Monday, March 31, 2008

Personal and Historic

Amy and I have finally arrived to the destination of our final pre-baby vacation: a bed and breakfast in St. Augustine. To lessen the chances of being followed by the paparazzi (I spelled that word right on the 2nd try), I checked in under the name of Ron Mexico, since I knew Michael Vick won't be using that alias for a while.

So far the area looks really old and really cool. Our 30 square foot room should encourage us to take plenty of advantage of the sights instead of lounging around in the room and watching the 9 inch TV.

St. Augustine is the oldest city in the America. And as much as new things tantalize us (I'm blogging just a hundred or so yards away from the old spanish fort), most folks are somewhat attracted by antiquity. This is especially true today: one benefit of our post-modern times.

Though some folks now prefer hymns to newer "guitar-ish" arrangements, one thing that all hymn appreciators-if not aficionados-can agree upon is their rich lyrical heritage.

Now I'm not bashing new worship music. I am saying that just as many folks appreciate historical monuments, more and more people are now appreciating a personal AND historic faith through the vehicle of some great hymns. It's one way in which we express (and possibly feel) connection to those saints who've gone before us. The Church doesn't
have to sing all, or even any of the same songs as they did, but I think singing at least some of those songs helps us realize we are part of the same great story that has been going on for a long time.


Anonymous said...

Hey Geoff,

Glad to hear you made it safe and sound. Hope your time there with Amy is relaxing. As to your post, I couldn't agree more. We, the post-modern churh, need to connect with our ancient roots, and one of the best ways to do that is through song. With so many people out there trying to figure out where they belong, the ancient hymns and confessions teach us that we belong to a greater community. We need to embrace our roots and sing loudly with them.


Gail and Keith said...

Amen, to those songs sung by the Saints of old--348-413 Aurelius Clemens Prudentius "Of the Father's Love Begotten...." I love singing those songs knowing that people hundreds and hundreds of years ago worshiped the God of all Creation that I worship. G