Monday, April 23, 2007

A Dirty, Smelly, Salt Stained Me

As I pulled in the parking lot at DeSoto mall, I noticed a lad who had just put on a T-shirt. His clothes were tattered a bit and he looked the opposite of 'clean cut.' My thoughts first went to "This is the difference between a mall in Bradenton and one in Sarasota." In Sarasota, people are well dressed, clean cut, smoke less, look nicer, etc...Well, I got out of my car, left my kayak strapped to the top, and started walking toward Dillards. Then as I approached the glass doors, I saw my reflection, and realized exactly how I appeared. This was my first stop on the way home from my fishing trip. I noticed a man, about 6'2'', with a dirty blue long sleeve, salt stained fishing shirt, cut-off kakhi shorts with a hole in the back enabling all to see my underwear, and some greasy, unkept hair (though fading fast) on top. I was about to walk into Dillards. I looked repulsive, far more than the lad who just put on a T-shirt. And then it hit me like some bad salsa; it's far easier to see dirt on other people than to see it on yourself. It would help me if I looked in the mirror more often before judging others. Maybe that would actually stop the judgment process all together.


Gail and Keith said...

Great comments, Geoff. God has shown me recently that Jesus command to "Love your neighbor as yourself" leaves no room for looking down with disdain on others.


Geoffsnook said...

Gail and Keith,

Thanks for the encouragement. Glad that Jesus has been teaching you. Its certainly an area in which I struggle.