Thursday, April 26, 2007

A Fisherman's Blessing

A month or so ago, Dave Sturkey (a fellow PCA pastor in the area) and I headed out early to fish the artificial reefs for kingfish. After several hours of being extremely jealous of all the other boats catching fish, we finally nailed a big king. But even greater than the fish itself, was the 'honor' (I know, I'm weird) of being Captain Mel Berman's website "picture of the week." I sought this 'honor' several times, with a variety of species of fish, but he never accepted them. Finally, this Wed, the picture was put up on the website. I don't know why I think its so cool (other than the fact I love fish pictures-primarily with me holding them), but the fact is, I really think it's cool. And because of the picture, I've directed numerous friends and family to the web site. If all of my friends and family couldn't or wouldn't see the picture, I doubt that its posting would give me any joy at all. Because joy is meant to be shared. Each time a friend/family member tells me he or she viewed the picture and shares in my excitement, my joy does nothing but increase. Each time I share it with someone new, my joy increases as well. The joy of Christ becomes greater the more we share it with one another. If we neglect to share the joy of Christ (His character, pursuit of us, forgiveness, what he's teaching us, answered prayer, convictions, etc...), particularly with those within the Church, we limit both their joy and ours. Christianity has to be actively lived out in community (Acts 2:41-44)-not privately as we are proned to do-or else everyone's joy will be threatened. You can click here for the picture, and share the joy. It will be removed from the site on May 2nd, so do it quickly.


Randy Greenwald said...

Great shot, Geoff. Check out the HPC home page, Can't let this stay secret!

Gail and Keith said...

Waaaay cool! Even I, a non-fisherperson know of Captain Mel and and quite impressed! Nice catch!
