Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"E" is also for Envy

Now on to the "E" of PRE-HEAT in wifely prayer. "E" is for Envy. I've found Envy at times to be a very powerful stronghold in my life, and one in which can battle even the most godly of woman-folk as well.

The sin of envy destroys any opportunity to be thankful for all the blessings we have and precludes any hope of contentment. Amy and I struggle in different areas of envy, so this is where your 2nd "E" prayers need to get up close and personal.

I can get quite envious of people catching more fish, being better preachers, having bigger churches with different problems, and folks who didn't buy a home in Bradenton during the worst possible time in the history of mankind to buy.

I've noticed with Amy it centers more around familial and relational situations like envying parents who have easier-to-shop-with children, geographically closer families, and various deeper relationships.

While our envy finds different application, the goal for prayer is the same. As you pray against Envy, pray for contentment. Contentment for all that good God has done (and done in Christ), is doing, and the good He will yet do.

And if you can get a few of your friends together to read The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs, I recommend that. But it might take some community interaction to help you better understand, apply, or even finish this puritan jewel.

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