This year 10 of us from Redeemer joined up to do an on-line tourney that tallies everything up. Its quite nifty, actually. The plus side of filling out brackets and having a winner is that we're all (or at least that's the plan) going out to eat after the tourney is over. Well, that and the fact that you have a vested interest in seeing teams like Southwestern Wisconsin Tech vs. North Georgia Weslyean. Games that you would otherwise not care about become something special.
But there is a problem with filling out brackets and putting your hope in something of which you have absolutely control over: upsets. When you don't pick an upset, like a 15 Robert Morris over 2 Villanova (which almost happened) or 14 Ohio University over 3 Georgetown (which did happen and eliminated one of my Elite 8 picks), you get, well, upset.
Instead of celebrating a "cinderella" type story like Ohio, you pull against it. Instead of seeing the beauty of an upset, against-all-odds-type story, you pull for the boring, standard outcome. Simply because that is the way you planned it.
It reminds me of life. There are probably a lot of beautiful "upsets" in life which I fail to rejoice in because the normal, boring, safe and expected outcome which I "picked," doesn't happen. But as I think about it, if life is only vanilla, and the outcome is only as expected, then I'd not experience the beauty of the cinderella-type upsets where God comes through against all odds.
I'm all for Cinderella's...as long as none of them beat WVU! Also, I wanted to thank you for your service and let you know that I really enjoyed how you chose to lead us to the Lord's Table this weekend. Very refreshing.
In Christ,
Jeremy Bias
Yep, I'm riding WV all the way to the top. I got them winning it all in my bracket!
Thanks for the encouragement about communion. I've been getting a ton of positive reinforcement about the celebratory communion. From phone calls, to text messages, to blog comments. Someone even thanked me in person, so I guess we've got all the bases covered except facebook.
Glad you were refreshed. The table should definitely refresh us. Have a great week. Peace.
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