Unfortunately I just found out last night while driving home from Chic-Fil-A. I was going to sign the lease less than 12 hours later. That was one of the harder phone calls I've taken in some time.
I now get to see if my theology really makes a difference in my life. The landlord has already had our place all but leased, and the condo's in the area are just more money for much of the same. Decisions have to be made soon and there is no handwriting on the wall.
I profess a God who is Sovereign and in control of all aspects of life and yet one who is also Immanent: he even knows and cares about the decreasing number of hairs on my head. So in other words, do I actually believe what I say I believe. Do we? Or do we, like Miracle Max in the Princess Bride, "partly" or "mostly" believe? I doubt any of us believe as much as we think we believe.
I slept well last night. I'm hoping to make it two in a row. But there are also hours in the day where I have to believe. If you are like me and have trouble "fully" believing, you/we are in "luck." I have to go back to this passage a lot: Mark 9:24-"I believe; help my unbelief!"
I'm glad Mark recorded that one.
Jesus accepts "part" and messy belief and does something with it. Fortunately.