But he told me that really not much had been done by some other larger churches in our presbytery. The one's participating were the smaller churches. Now perhaps the big dogs are running just a bit behind or they already gave graciously by shipping stuff. So I'll reserve frustration, table my "verdict" for a bit, and maybe ask some of them in person.
At the same point of discouragement, I was encouraged as well. You see, there are a number of smaller churches in our presbytery. Some of them may die off some day. And that may not be a bad thing. Yet, the churches responding were all quite small. What they lacked in size, they made up for in passion to help those less fortunate. And by this passionate giving they will be assisting Esaie in bringing Jesus' Kingdom to a place ripe for its reception.
Some of these churches, including ours, acted like Jack Russell Terriers. Small but full of life.
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