I can already see the seeds of 'that guy' in my own heart. Let me explain. For most guys, everything is a competition. Everything is a race. Yes, even their child's growth. While Connar is 30% in head circumference (I've given up hope for this one since I have such a small head), he is in the 90% in height and close to it in weight. And that makes me a little too excited. I want him to beat everyone.
I was even glad that Connar weighed a few pounds more than my neighbor's kid despite being 6 weeks younger. And I continue to hope he can 'beat' other older kids. But I'm realizing that the distance between pride over his growth and putting pressure on him to beat other kids in fishing, baseball, or pranks is not so great. Not so great at all.
I'm not that far from becoming 'that guy.' It will only be by God's grace that I don't become 'that guy.' However, I still have the responsibility to actively repent (from my insecurity-its alright to lose) and believe (that Christ has already fully accepted me despite my insufficiency-he's made me 'man enough.') Now I'm off for another late night Connar feeding. Let's see if I he can make a PR (personal record) and sleep longer than 4 hours....
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