Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Making your own "study bible" and some prayer apps

My last post focused on how not to use your cell phone during corporate worship. But recently I have come across some helpful ways to use technology in and outside church.

1.) All kinds of tablets offer various versions of the bible. Provided you can resist the urge to check facebook or update your fantasy football roster, tablets can be quite helpful. A woman in our church actually takes notes within the electronic bible app. So in essence she is creating her own "study bible" whenever she hears the word preached. Since we at Redeemer preach expositionally through books of the bible, she will have "commentaries" on various books or sections of scriptures (like the Sermon on the Mount which I'm preaching).

2. I'm not very technologically advanced compared to most, but I'm still benefiting from the Prayer Notebook app. Tim Challies recently shared a number of prayer apps for iPhones here and I ended trying the free version of the app called Prayer Notebook Lite. After I saw how it worked, I felt it worth the price of $ 1.99.

One of the more convicting things about the app is that I'm now realizing folks I've simply not prayed for. But the bright side is that I'm praying for more folks and more situations now. While I'll never pray for everyone as much as I would like, fewer people are slipping through the cracks. The app allows you to separate requests into categories, days of week, mark as "answered", and will even send you reminders if you want. Just started using it a few weeks ago, but very helpful, especially for those requests which fit outside my normal categories.

Here's a screen shot of what it look likes

If you have any other helpful apps, please share them.

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