Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Steve Jobs the Porn Nazi?

"No porn for you....," says Steve Jobs, well in so many words. He doesn't want porn to be available on his mobile devices, and is willing to hold his ground against many critics. This might not be enough for you to shell out the money for an apple product, but it certainly makes you think about it. While pornography is an offense to a holy God, it is also a sin against men, women, and children. I don't know if Jobs is a Christian or not, but if he isn't, 3 out of 4 isn't too bad, eh? Another example of how humanity might be Totally Depraved (inability to ultimately please God and choose Jesus), but not Utterly Depraved (as bad as we could possibly be), and so it is still able to do numerous socially "good" actions. And we should be thankful for this truth, especially for people in powerful positions.


Kathryn said...

To play the devil's advocate here, I'd argue that you have to look at Steve Jobs actions in the context of the larger smart phone wars. He may well have some sort of moral objection to porn, but the reason he's doing this is because the iPhone is losing market share to Android phones. In the end, it's a marketing decision to try to imprint on people's brains the idea that "Android=porn". He's doing that so that when little Johnny or little Susie asks for an Android phone, parents will think, "Oh no, that's the phone that has porn, better buy an iPhone instead", or so that when a wife finds out her husband is looking at buying an Android phone she flips out and demands he buy an iPhone since "it's the one that doesn't have porn".

The reality is that it's just as easy to get porn on an iPhone as it is on any other phone because the phone has a browser that can access the uncensored internet.

It's also a way that Jobs is deflecting the very real and legitimate criticisms that people have over the way that Jobs and Apple control the app store, particularly relatively high-profile cases such as turning down the app by a Pulitzer prize winning political cartoonist because it "criticized public figures".

Geoffsnook said...


I don't know much about the smart phone war, other than I can't get an I-phone until my Verizon contract ends.

I thought the article that I linked to was interesting in that it had actual email correspondence where Jobs was being blasted for his pornography stance.

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