Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The other good Reverend Doctor....

I don't know a whole lot about Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones, but I have a few of his commentaries, and know enough to know that I should know more about this lad. That might have made sense. Here's a short video biography, should you be interested. Sounds like an awesome guy.

My only beef with the video was the narrator's approval of preaching without any mention of current events, humor, or anecdotes. Now in a time where the main goal of a worship service has often shifted to entertainment and emotion, this might be a helpful reminder.

However, when preaching God's Word, I think it is always a good idea to illustrate. Jesus used illustrations/allusions in his ministry, and not only in his illustrative parables (vine and branches, living water). And it was His idea that the prophets regularly illustrated their points with object lessons. Ezekiel had to lay on his side for 390 days and prepare bread made over cow patties. How's that for a children's object lesson!

The Puritans also illustrated their material-fortunately because they are not always the easiest to read. But I benefited from Jeremiah Burroughs illustrations in The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment. The illustrations were quite helpful in understanding and application.

Why shouldn't illustrations/allusions/stories where God has done amazing work, be part of the preached word? Especially when such were so prevalent in God's Word and His Church over the generations.


Gus said...

I have read and am rereading MLJ's sermons on The sermon on the mount. I think he uses illustrations. An illustration doesn't need to be a joke or an anecdote.

Geoffsnook said...

Gus, I too have MLJ's sermon on the mount. I never meant to say that he did not use illustrations, though that probably came across. My point was that the narrator of the biography seemed to praise exposition without illustration or connection to current events.

I have seen those in my former presbytery and in my present one, do exposition and neglect illustration intentionally.

No an illustration doesn't need to be an anecdote or joke, and I don't mean to indicate that it does. I think it can be though.

Randy Greenwald said...

If you were still here, you could borrow my bio of MLJ... but, alas...

Geoffsnook said...


Just scan it and send it as an attachment!