Friday, August 1, 2008

An interesting "conversation:" take four: TOP BAKERS DOZEN WAYS TO BRING ON "BAD" PERSECUTION

I'm positive this will be my last "An Interesting Conversation" post. At least I think I'm positive.

There is legitimate persecution that goes on because of our faith. Randy and I just got an email from someone wishing us to pray for her nieces. They have been taken away from anything church related. Books referring to Jesus have been removed and the kids have been prohibited from even saying a blessing over a meal. That's legitimate.

And then there's also persecution which really has more to do with personality and methodology than it does with our faith. I'm calling that illegitimate or "bad" persecution. Not the kind we can thank God for, as the disciples once did. So here's another Top Ten list, only I thought of more than ten. So its a Bakers Dozen. As I look back, I can see a number of mistakes I've made.

Top Baker's Dozen Ways to Bring On "Bad" Persecution

13.) Always have an answer for EVERY question that people ask RIGHT AWAY. Never say "I'll get back to you," even when you're not sure about something.
12.) Don't listen to them share what they believe. If you do you might actually contextualize the gospel and show how Jesus really is the answer to their idols.
11.) Consider their objections to Christianity as simple hurdles they can overcome by just thinking harder. I mean the likelihood of Jesus fulfilling all of the prophesies is like 1/10000.... if He really wasn't the messiah. That will get them!
10.) Make sure they believe that a Christian must vote Republican
9.) Make sure they believe that a Christian must vote Democrat
8.) Know as little as possible about current events, science, culture, etc...
7.) Don't have them into your home, out to dinner, or any outside activity. Don't share your life, only the message. And do not actually try to be their friend.
6.) Make sure that you share the gospel on your boss's dime. Make them pay for it.
5.) Don't take any interest in an anything that they take interest in. Don't watch any movie, read any book, listen to any music that might give you better insight into what they hold most dear
4.) Make sure to be dogmatic about really "important" things like a literal 6 day creation period. You can't budge on this one. But don't forget End Times, or where babies go when they die-when in doubt, assume the worst.
3) Make sure to address their behavioral issues first (abortion stance, sexuality, drugs) before getting to their heart idols.
2) Isolate a passage from the Koran and act like you know a ton about Islam
1)Never confess your sin, struggles, doubts, or weaknesses to them. They can't see you "sweat." Make sure they realize that the gospel is for them, and not for you anymore.

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