Friday, August 22, 2008

I was so much BOLDER then....

One of my favorite Byrd's songs is called "My Back Pages." Like many of the The Byrd's songs, this one was written by Bob Dylan. The chorus really catches my attention. "I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now." I think this accurately expresses the Christian frustration over a desire for growth in Christ-likeness while experiencing the same old struggles (Romans 7).

Perhaps even at times seeming to "lose ground." Both lead singer Roger McGwin and Dylan profess the Christian faith so perhaps that's what this song is really about.

If I were singing this about myself, (and believe me, it would be "to" myself and not to you, for your sake of course) I would change the word to "bolder" from "older." At least as far as evangelism goes, I was so much "bolder" then, I'm far less bold now.

What is the answer? Face paint to make me more intimidating? Working out more to put the fear of God in their eyes? A stroll down memory lane to dwell on my former "glory days" in college? Nope, just a deeper look at my sin and need for the gospel. I just have to be more diligent in this discipline. I think we all do.

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