Now when you hear the word "doppler" you probably think weather. I did too. But this doppler thing actually is something doctors, midwifes, and folks like me (sometimes) use to check out the baby's heartbeat. And in my humble opinion, it sounded like a good heartbeat. Its slowing down now to about 135 or so beats per minute. Of course I checked with the midwife just to be sure, but I knew what I was doing.
They have these doppler things on E-bay nowadays, but I figured I would probably rather spend large sums of money on the child when he/she is actually outside the womb. Nothing against the child or doppler things. Maybe its just me...
The first thing I think of when I hear "Doppler" is the effect of speed on sound waves as when the pitch of the train whistle or bell changes as the train passes you, especially if you are traveling in the opposite direction. This can also be experienced if you are traveling on a train and hear the train crossing bell as you pass it.
That's the 2nd thing I think of.
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