Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Look carefully where you live, work, and play

Randy Pope, senior pastor of Perimeter Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, claims there are 3 major places where we have opportunities to make new relationships or build existing relationships with hopes of someday pointing them to Christ and/or His Church (what I mean by the and/or bit is that they may know Jesus but need a church home):

1. Where you work
2. Where you live
3. Where you play

For me, where I play (for the time being-my time on the water will obviously be cut short a bit when the baby comes) is the weightroom and water. I actually got several invitations to fish in a span of 5 minutes yesterday.

For Randy Greenwald, senior pastor of Hope Presbyterian Church, the lines become a little blurry. His new office (or study) is a downtown coffee shop. And from this place he has developed various relationships with all kinds of interesting people.

Today I was with him and met a former Defensive End for the Baltimore Colts. I've met two former Colts' defensive ends in one week! One was where I "play" (gym), one was where Randy "works."

But there is a reason why I say the lines for Randy are somewhat blurred. Talking to these folks at his study, as well as hearing their stories, was and is really quite fun-especially when they have a really cool dog like a lab.

Anyhow, just be aware that many of us fall into all three categories and have places where we work (workplace), live (neighborhoods) and play (hobbies/activities). And so these become places for relationships. But even for those who don't go to work or play (don't have time for hobbies), they still live somewhere. And as long as you live, there are people out there whom God calls you and I to love.

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