Tuesday, December 18, 2007

When old doors truly close on you

Here is another example of God closing doors which I desperately wanted opened, and opening doors which I hadn't thought much about. As good as Sunday was with our cookie outreach, Friday was that bad. Well, kind of-but not a 'serious' bad, more of a 'frustrating' bad.

I invited another young couple from church over to the house to eat some snook (the same snook pictured on this blog). So I had already begun thawing the meat when I get the call that his wife was too sick to attend. With Amy not eating much fish, I didn't know what we would do with all that snook (it was one whole fillet of a 30 inch fish).

I started calling, and ended up with about 5-6 different "No thanks" for a last minute snook eating invitation. Only one was even close to saying yes.

Then I go to the gym, and I get word that it will be closing down. That day. Where would I work out now? I was actually beginning to meet more and more people there. I wondered why God would just take this away. I had grown fond of the gym I once loathed.

No one knew what would happen. Getting the truth out of the few workers left was about as easy as getting the truth out of a baseball player accused of using performance enhancing drugs. And I had no power to play the perjury card.

I cut my workout short because I was so disgusted with the gym ownership. I really wanted to call the newspapers, the TV News channels, and give this owner some negative publicity.

Then I asked my workout partner if he wanted to come over to the house and eat some snook. He said yes, and then I invited one more person whose wife was out of town. So we had 4 over to the house to eat the snook which I was uncertain how to prepare. This no fried food thing for Amy is killing my style. However the baked snook was world class good. The evening was a blessing for all.

On Monday I drove up to Fusion Fitness to see what was up. It was surely closed. But lo there were Lifestyles employees there to answer questions, and like angels, herald the good news. I am now a Lifestyles member. Lifestyles (aka Glob0-gym) bought out Fusion Fitness (Average Joe's). Praise God I didn't cancel on Friday afternoon! Basically I upgraded for free, with the same terms of contract in a nicer place.

I only hope that those I had begun to get to know will see me at the Lifestyles gym. If not, I'll just meet and build relationships with those whom God puts before me. Closed doors can be frustrating, but they are never truly 'bad.'

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