Sunday, June 10, 2007


Worship this morning was, well, quite worshipful. The funny thing was that we opened our service with the same exact song people at Hope Presbyterian opened with: better is one day. The service was very laid back as the pastor actually wore shorts (my dream one day is to preach in shorts), but the mood was still reverent. We sang some of the same songs that we sing at Hope, and even had a prayer request time.

After lunch, we went to the beach. Nothing to write home about.Ugly sand. Unfortunately I forgot to bring the chords to connect to the computer with the camera. I know I spelled chords incorrectly but the computer I'm working with doesn't delete very quickly; its like a type writer. Anyhow, I'm trying to get pictures up, but have had some computer troubles so far. If I can, I'll get you pictures.

Tonight we received our 'orders.' Unfortunately the dude said, "You'll have to see Ruth tomorrow at 7 am, because I don't know anything about this particular house." Great. So we'll be doing some gutting and cleaning and repair. Probably.

I'll update tomorrow with what we did exactly. Thanks for praying. Peace


Randy Greenwald said...

Please pray for Barb -- she woke up with a pain in the neck, and this time it was not me. Her neck is very sore, inexplicably so. Pray that whatever it is will go away and that she will be able to be productive. Thanks!


Randy Greenwald said...
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