We're are now currently done with our our house. We left it in much better shape than we found it. All in all, we 'demolitioned', cleaned out a ton of debris that was still there after 2 years, insulated, cut/hung/mudded/taped, dry-walled the whole house. There are just a few places that didn't get taped.
The Lagniappe people couldn't believe how much was done, and done well. Thanks again for praying.
We turned in time sheets for hours worked, which will be turned into FEMA, and the debt of the town will be reduced. So we have actually not only helped the Favre family (remember, no relation to Brett-but she did go to high school with him and next year is the 20 year reunion), but also the town.
I'm off to go help Johnny paint the wooden manatee that we cut out. Each team makes some sort of wooden 'memento' to leave at the church. Marla suggested a manatee for Manatee County, and Steven suggested we leave "Hope Pres" in boat scars on his back. While scars may be a stretch to accomplish, the manatee looks good. We made our county proud.
Have a good one, and please pray for our drive home tomorrow. It's long, and we're tired. Peace.
Sorry we don't have any quotes. It was a silent day. We worked like monks.
Hey Geoff - you lost your razor!
Truly though, our group has been following your blog all week as we get ready to launch out tomorrow morning. You've been a great inspiration! We'll take the virtual 'tag - you're it!' as we cross paths on I-10 somewhere.
God bless you all and give you safe travels home!
Louis from Redeemer Pres. in Riverview
Thanks so much for reading and praying. I'll try to do the same for ya'll! Peace.
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