As relationships are formed, conversations regarding things more important than football or fishing will eventually come up unprovoked. They will come up naturally. And that is the 'pitch' I've been 'selling.'
I've become good friends with a guy I met working out one day. We now workout together several times a week. But up until last week, we had never really had any 'spiritual' conversation. It just hadn't happened, and I was beginning to wonder why nothing had happened; I was questioning my own sales pitch.
However last week that all changed, and he brought it up. We got to talk about some meaningful stuff. Church, protestant/Catholic questions, books read, spiritual background, etc... I prayed regularly for opportunities and after 6 months or so, just a month before he'll be leaving the state to take another job, the ice finally cracked. I was stoked.
At the very least I made a friend: a friend who will probably be coming to church to hear me preach. Hopefully we'll get some more chances to talk. But regardless, making friends with unbelievers will put us in opportunities where we'll eventually be used to express the truth. It may take a while, but it will happen if we pray and put ourselves in such situations.